TU -RISE Research Office Research Impact Coordinator Grade V Reporting to:HeadofResearch Duration:FixedTermWhole-TimeContract to31December2027 Location:MTU Cork or Kerry Funding:TU-RISE Competition:External TURiseisco-fundedbytheGovernmentofIreland andtheEuropeanUnionthrough theERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-2027.
Research and Innovation (R&I) has never been more important to our society.
MTU is embarking on an ambitious programme to recruit motivated individuals who will significantly expand the capabilities of MTUs Research Office in support of maximising the benefits to all from a coordinated R&I ecosystem.
We are looking to recruit support professionals with targeted skills in key areas that are required to work with researchers to deliver the highest standards of research impact.
Under the Higher Education Authoritys TU Research and Innovation Supporting Enterprise (TU- RISE) programme, MTU has been successful in securing significant funding to implement our vision to provide the best leadership and support for research staff and students.
A critical outcome of TU-RISE will be the empowerment of our R&I community to expand their capacity, competitiveness, activity and engagement, thereby delivering research impact regionally, nationally, and globally.
TU-RISE will facilitate expanding our researcher human capital through building a substantial additional cohort of researchers, integrating postgraduates, postdocs and highly experienced research leaders.
In line with the requirements of TU RISE we are seeking dynamic and experienced Research Impact Co-ordinators.
The MTU Research to Impact TU RISE project represents a step change in investment in the R&I ecosystem in MTU, and Research Impact Coordinators will play a key role in making it a success.
As part of the Research Office team, you will be joining at a pivotal and exciting period for MTU and the professional research management community.
Joining the Research Office at this time presents opportunities to develop your career in Research Management, supported by appropriate training.
You will contribute to MTUs Research to Impact Ecosystem for sustainable and impactful research outcomes.
Reportingandlocationofposition: Onappointment,thesuccessfulcandidatewillreporttotheHeadofResearchunderthesupervision ofahighergrade.Thelocationwillbe eitherMTUCorkorKerry.Pleasenotethatthe postholder willberequiredtobeflexibletoattendanyofMTUssixcampusesfromtimetotime,asrequired.
OverviewoftheRole: We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Research Impact Coordinator to join our research office team.
The successful candidate will be responsible for working with MTU Researchers to develop and deliver impact from their research activities.Assisting with writing grant proposals and research papers, developing a communication, dissemination, and exploitation strategy, identifying target groups and stakeholders, developing key messages, and using various channelsandtoolsforcommunication,dissemination,andexploitation.Rolesandresponsibilities mayvarydependingonvaryingworkloadsandchangingrequirementsintheresearchecosystem.
Candidates from a wide variety of disciplines (e.g.
STEM, Business, AHSS) are encouraged to apply as the Research office supports multiple disciplines on multiple campuses.
Training will be available to develop additional skills and expertise for the delivery of the roles and responsibilities and for your own career advancement.
MainDutiesand Responsibilities: Developandimplementresearchimpactguidelines,procedures,andobjectives.
Coordinatewithresearchteams regardingtheirfundersimpactrequirements.
Advise research teams on the creation of appropriate methods for the communication and dissemination of research findings.
Developkeymessagesandchooseappropriatelanguagetoensureeffectivecommunication of impact.
Liaisewithresearchers andresearchofficeteamtodevelopapproaches toidentifysources for evidence of impact.
Identify and champion appropriate tools for management, communication and dissemination of research impact.
EssentialCriteria: Have obtained at least Grade D3 in five subjects in the Leaving Certificate Examination (higher, ordinary, applied, or vocational programmes) or equivalent or have passed an examinationattheappropriatelevelwithintheQQIqualificationsframeworkwhich canbe assessed as being of a comparable to Leaving Certificate standard or equivalent or higher orhaveappropriaterelevantexperiencewhichencompassesequivalentskillsandexpertise; DesirableCriteria: Provenworkexperience inafieldassociatedwithresearchimpact.
Strongcommunicationskillsto interacteffectivelywithdiversestakeholders.
Provenabilityto workeffectivelyin adeadline-driven environment.
Abilityto conveycomplex informationclearly andconcisely.
KeySkillsandExpertiseRequiredfortheRole: Abilitytoworkeffectivelyinarapidlychangingenvironmentwithanappropriatedegree of flexibility Opentonewideasandcontinuousimprovement Excellentcommunicatorwithapositiveapproachtoproblemsolving Provenabilitytoworkeffectivelyonowninitiativeandinateamenvironmentwith commitment to personal and professional development Bewell-organisedandworktostrictdeadlines,withtheabilitytomanageandprioritise different, and sometimes conflicting workloads Evidenceofastrongattentiontodetailandaccuracy Provenabilitytomaintaindataconfidentialityofalltimes TermsoftheAppointment: Salary Scale:GradeV€49,707to€59,455perannumincludingtwolongservice increments Fixed whole-time term Contractto31December2027 Hours:35hours perweek Annual leave:25 days perannumfornewlyrecruited staff AdditionalBenefits: ComprehensiveSickLeavePolicy Paidmaternityleave EmploymentAssistanceProgramme StaffDiscountScheme GymAccess(reducedmembershipcost) Onsite Facilities: On siteCar Parking Onsite diningfacilities On site TFI Bike Sharing Station TheInterviewProcess: Ifinvited tointerview,itislikelycandidateswillbeassessedattheinterviewunderthefollowing criteria: Additional criteria may be added for the Interview as the need arises.
Relevantknowledgeandexperience LeadershipSkills ITSkills TeamWorkingandOrganisationalSkills CommunicationandInterpersonalSkills ImportantNotes Screening and short-listing only takes place on the basis of information submitted on the application.
In addition to the minimum criteria, it may be necessary to introduce further shortlisting criteria.
Candidates should note that they may be called for more than one interview.
Please ensure that full information is given on qualifications and that the information is accurate and corresponds to the original transcript of qualifications.
Pleaseensure that thoseyounominateasreferees are contactedby youandwillbe ableto supply a reference without delay if requested.
TheUniversity regrets that it cannotpayexpenses forcandidates attending interviews for this post or for taking up the position, if appointed.
AdditionalInformation: A successful candidate will be required to submit a passport, documentary evidence confirming academicqualifications, andtoundergo amedical examination.Gardavettingand/oraninternational police clearance may also be required.
References will be sought in relation to successful candidate.
MTU welcomes applications from non-EEA citizens.However, employee permit regulations set by theDepartmentofEnterprise,Trade&Employmentmustbestrictlyadheredto.Anyappointmentoffer to Non-EEA candidates is subject to the granting of a work permit by Euraxess Ireland or relevant Immigration permissions/stamp.
Candidatesmayberequiredtoproducedocumentaryevidencetosupportanystatementsmadebythem on their application form or any supporting documentation.
ApplicationProcess Applications by MTU eRecruitment system only.
Applications will not be accepted in anyother format.
Please log on toto apply for this position.
Closingdateforreceiptofcompletedapplications is: 1.00pm onMonday 30thSeptember2024 The information given in this document is of a general information nature only and should not be taken as contractual.
Skills: Research Admin Strategic Coordination